Shell, Ecuador

Shell, Ecuador

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last Day: Reflections

How was your trip?
How did you see God at work on this trip? How did you grow spiritually?

In the United States, I found it very common to think that people that don't grow up with or have as much stuff as us are not as happy or content. However, when I came here, that began to change. All the people I've met might not have as much stuff as me, but they are so happy and joyful because of what they do have. God showed me that I have a ton to be happy about: a loving family, a warm house, and amazing friends. - Julie

What I learned on this trip I am still not sure will actually influence my american life quite yet. I still do not know what God has done in my life because of this trip but I am willing to see and search for a change of heart when I get back if that is even how a “change of heart” even works. I have asked many questions on this trip leading me to believe that my world view has expanded even a little bit yet I do not know if the answers I was given actually spoke to me. I hope that when I get back I will have even a slight bit of some sort of understanding.

What I learned on this trip is to go with it. A lot of the time on this trip we were put into situations that we were not conferrable with. Like at young life yesterday night. At first I was kinda scared so I was just standing there awkward. Then I just started to go with it and it was better. I met some people that I would have never met if I just stood in the corner not talking. God Has shown me to just BE and not worry about other stuff.

I really saw God at work during this trip by seeing the differences in culture. Ecuador is a lot different than Michigan, and it was so cool to see how they live. Even though these people live their lives a lot differently than how we live, they still worship the same God. When we went to the church service this week it really opened my eyes to see that they are worshiping the same God. It is so cool to think that we have a huge community of Christ followers all around the world. Seeing the differences and the similarities about the people, and the country of Ecuador this week was so life changing and I will remember this trip forever! -Erica

I saw God at work on this trip because all of the people were so happy with what they have. Living in the United States we never seen to “have enough”. The people here in Ecuador have shown me that you can live with so little and still be so happy and blessed. I think God placed me here to realize how blessed I am and how I can use my blessings to bless others. I am so glad I was able to go on this trip and I feel closer to God because of it.

There were so many ways that I have experienced God on this trip-too many to count. Throughout the trip I have been searching for why God has called me on this trip. I got my answer almost as a slap in the face. As we were painting and through devotions I began to realize that it isn't about me or the work I do. Our culture is so surrounded and influenced by ourselves and focused on “ME.” As the trip moved on, God opened my eyes to realize that I am following His call and he is working through me in ways that I will never be able to comprehend. This is a powerful message for me because I can apply it in my every day life. God has a purpose for me and I just need to follow His call wherever he leads me! Thanks for the support!

Throughout this trip here I have seen God in so many ways. This trip came to me and I knew it was something God wanted me to go on. I am so happy that I got to experience this trip because of everything I have learned. This trip made me focus on other people and other things not just myself. During the devotions, testimonies, painting, orphanage and the beauty here is something I will never forget. It has shown me how much love there is all over the world. This trip has seemed like it has flew by but I have learned how to seek God in other cultures and realize that God will provide for me. Gods purpose may be unknown for now but is something that I need to pray about, and go where he leads me. - Mallory

One thing about this trip that was most surprising to me was the modernization here in Ecuador. In the cities, traveling on the road systems, interacting with the people, all of it surprised me due to how close they are to me, to us, to America. I even saw it in the spiritual events like attending the church service and the Young Life event. The Holy Spirit is definitely there as Ecuadorians worship in their faith communities. That was especially amazing to me because as Americans we have a mind set where we need to bestow our blessings on those in other countries and spread the gospel. But the people of Ecuador are happy and they already have the gospel. This just challenges me to change my thinking when it comes to going to other places around the world, because they might bless me even more than I bless them. -Zach

This trip has been such a blessing in my life because of how many opportunities I've had to see God and let him show me what I need to see. One specific thing that has really impacted me on this trip that God showed me was that the United States is my home, but there were so many instances here in Ecuador that I thought to myself, “Wow, this could be home.” I'm not going to run off to be a missionary right here, right now because I can be a missionary back at home in my own life too. But I can see myself living outside the US in the future. I'm still processing our trip and the God moments I've experienced, but this is what I've taken away at the moment and why I believe God wanted me here to show me. -Sydney

The thing that I really learned about on this trip was about the need to be open with others. We need to be open with everyone or else you do not really know that person. Everyone on this trip told there testimonies and that was something that most of us have never done. It really forced me to think about my faith walk for the first time. I feel that this was a very important lesson for me to learn and I hope bring that back with me to Michigan. -Brad 

The experience of going to Ecuador was different for me than what it was for others.  Because I had lived there before, I wasn't really shocked by anything.  For me it was fun to go back and see what was different, and what was the same. One of the best things about going back was getting to see people that I haven't seen in years, and hearing about what has been happening in their lives. -Kendra 

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