Shell, Ecuador

Shell, Ecuador

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vision & Serve Trip Overview

Thank you for your interest in traveling to Shell, Ecuador!  Over the past few months, we have spent a lot of time considering travel options for the summer of 2013.  We are excited to present students with a trip in which they will catch a vision for God’s work abroad, be able to offer service in some capacity, experience a new culture and community, connect with local teens, and have an opportunity to grow in their Spanish language abilities.

Throughout the past few months, HCHS Spanish teachers have been praying about the possibility of a trip in 2013.  We believe that God answered our prayers when were able to make a great connection with the Fogg family, currently serving in Shell, Ecuador.  Eric and Renee Fogg are from Holland and attended both Central Wesleyan and Iglesia Alas de Águila (Eagle’s Wings Church) before leaving for the mission field abroad.  They have been serving in Ecuador since January of 2012.  Shell is a small, safe community, similar to Zeeland.  The Foggs are working with HCJB Global, primarily working to provide safe, drinkable water solutions for communities while sharing the love of Christ.  Eric and Renee are very involved in several community development projects, including work with a local orphanage and hospital.  They are extremely passionate about bringing small groups to Ecuador to catch the vision for what God is doing there.  Eric has already worked extensively with us to discuss itinerary, cost and project options for the HCHS student trip.  We are excited to present a trip that will be not only be an amazing travel opportunity, but also a meaningful, life changing experience.  

In a conversation about the objective of this trip, Eric Fogg said this: “Service, sure, but that’s really not that important in the grand scheme of things.  The knowledge of God’s work, the greater perspective of the kids of the world, the controlled culture shock all allow God to adjust worldviews, develop character and allow growth in the personal relationship with Him.”    The HCHS Spanish department is excited to be working with a team that will organize a trip that does more then get kids involved in simple acts of service.   Students will come back changed, with a greater perspective of God’s people and His work in this world.  We feel that this trip connects perfectly with Holland Christian’s mission to equip minds and nurture hearts to transform the world for Christ.   

Finally, we would like to open up this trip to members of Iglesia Alas de Águila which is the church that Amanda Cisneros attends.  This Latino church supports the Foggs and would also provide a local connection for students.  Ideally, we would like the students and church members going on the trip to interact and form connections before going to Ecuador.  This would certainly meet HC’s goal of tearing down walls in our community.  We are constantly seeking ways for our students to connect, in meaningful ways, with Latino members of our community.  

Thank you again for considering travel in June 2013.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

In Christ,

Amanda Cisneros,
Andrea Schuitema,

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